Highlands ​Presbyterian Church
2390 Pattison Avenue
(About a mile north of Dell Range on Mountain Road)

We value diversity and God’s children without judgment. We welcome all persons regardless of race, sexual orientation or identity, immigration status, or other characteristics that may define cultural differences.

Our Church
Highlands is an intimate faith community worshipping at the corner of Mountain Road and Pattison Avenue in Buffalo Ridge. We are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA.

Communion is integral to who we are. For us, the sharing of the cup and the bread is a weekly ritual reminding us of our connection to the heart, the life, and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

Our Future
Our beloved Pastor, Rev. Rodger McDaniel, retired in fall 2023 after serving our congregation for 15 years. Highlands is now in the process of searching for a new Pastor. When the people of Highlands were asked what one thing they were proudest of about our faith community, social justice was at the top of the list.

Fellowship and Mission define the people of Highlands. We believe we have one mission to care for each other within the walls of the church and another to care for those outside of our four walls. Highlands is a "Matthew 25" Church, caring for the least of these.

More Light
Highlands is the first and only "More Light" Presbyterian congregation in Wyoming. More Light is the arm of the national church that advocates for the full inclusion of the LGBTQ community in the life of the church.