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Our Future

November 19.png

Beginning in September 2023, Highland Presbyterian entered into the call process as we search for a new Pastor. 


When asked what one thing made us proudest of our church, the responses (Word Cloud) clearly identified our focus on Social Justice as a primary source of pride.  Also high on the list was the fact that Highlands is a progressive, accepting, and generous church.  We have 58 active members (07/24) and an average Sunday includes many attendees who are not yet members of Highlands.  We have an wonderful music program with soloists and choir. Our average congregation size is approximately 65 individuals; in person and on Zoom. 


As of July 2024, Highlands is the only Presbyterian Church in Wyoming that is certified as an Earth Care; Hunger Action; Matthew 25; and More Light congregation. 


Learn more about our church in

The History of Highlands,

written by member

Victor J. Lisek.


Inclusive, progressive community blending traditional religious teachings with social justice ... and demonstrating how that looks in the community and in the world. 


- Highlands Member 2023

Highlands Presbyterian Church 2024.JPG

Solo Pastor Opportunity Documents and Links

Highlands' search for a new full-time Pastor is underway! 

All questions regarding the search process should be sent to the following email:


Highlands is using the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) system exclusively for our Call. 


Documents of Interest


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